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Pyblosxom on Ubuntu with Gunicorn & Nginx

This is a guide to installing the blog engine Pyblosxom on Ubuntu, and deploying it with Gunicorn and Nginx.

This is a really quick and easy way to deploy Pyblosxom, and it has the added bonus that the steps to install Pyblosxom and run it with Gunicorn on your local Ubuntu machine for development are a subset of those to deploy Pyblosxom with Gunicorn and Nginx on an Ubuntu server for a production website.

These instructions were tested on Ubuntu 14.04 but may work on other versions of Ubuntu as well.

Installing Pyblosxom and Gunicorn locally for development

You might want to run Pyblosxom on your local desktop or laptop running Ubuntu, for example to work on draft entries before publishing them to your server, to hack on Pyblosxom plugins or themes, or just to try out Pyblosxom or try a plugin or theme.

Since the version of Pyblosxom currently in Ubuntu’s package repositories is the latest version, we’ll just install it using apt-get. We’ll install Gunicorn at the same time as well:

$ sudo apt-get install pyblosxom gunicorn

Now to create a new Pyblosxom blog in a blog directory in your home directory, do:

$ pyblosxom-cmd create ~/blog

This generates several files in the blog directory including a file containing the blog’s configuration settings, a flavours directory containing themes for the blog, and an entries directory for the blog’s entries (including an example entry).

To run your Pyblosxom blog locally with Gunicorn:

$ gunicorn --log-file - \
  --pythonpath ~/blog Pyblosxom.pyblosxom:PyblosxomWSGIApp

Open in a web browser to see the blog, it’s that easy!

The --log-file - makes Gunicorn print any errors from Pyblosxom to the terminal.

Installing Pyblosxom, Gunicorn and Nginx on a web server

These steps will create a Pyblosxom blog on an Ubuntu web server with Gunicorn running behind Nginx, and running automatically as a service.

The easiest way to install Pyblosxom and Gunicorn on the server is with apt-get, just as we did on the local development machine. This time we’ll also install Nginx at the same time:

$ sudo apt-get install pyblosxom gunicorn nginx

Create a new Pyblosxom blog just as we did on the development machine. A good place to keep website files on a server is in /var/www:

$ pyblosxom-cmd create /var/www/blog

Create a Gunicorn config file /etc/gunicorn.d/blog with the following contents, to tell Ubuntu how to run your blog with Gunicorn automatically:

    'working_dir': '/var/www/blog',
    'args': (

Note: These /etc/gunicorn.d/ config files and running Gunicorn using the service command are features of the Gunicorn Debian package, they won’t work on non-Debian based Linux distributions.

Restart the Gunicorn service:

$ sudo service gunicorn restart

At this point Gunicorn should be running your blog on port 8000. You can test it by running curl localhost:8000, which should print out the HTML code of your blog’s front page.

Note: If you install a plugin, or make a change to your file, you’ll need to restart Gunicorn with sudo service gunicorn restart for the change to take effect.

To serve the blog to the Internet we need to hook Gunicorn up to Nginx. Create the Nginx config file /etc/nginx/sites-available/blog with the following contents:

server {
  listen 80;
  access_log  /var/log/nginx/blog.log;

  location / {
    proxy_set_header Host $host;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

Replace with your blog’s domain name.

To enable the Nginx site create a sites-enabled symlink for it:

$ sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/blog /etc/nginx/sites-enabled

You also need to remove the sites-enabled symlink for the default Nginx site:

$ sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default

Restart the Nginx service, and test the new Nginx configuration file:

$ sudo service nginx restart
$ sudo nginx -t

Your Pyblosxom blog should now be running on port 80 at your server’s domain name or IP address.

Log files

If Pyblosxom crashes you can look in the Nginx and Gunicorn log files for error messages. There are located at /var/log/nginx/blog.log and /var/log/gunicorn/blog.log.


All files in /var/www need to be readable by the www-data user, and directories need to be readable and executable by this user. Otherwise Pyblosxom can crash or fail to see blog entries. An HTTP 500 error from Pyblosxom containing IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied is a sure sign that you have a file in /var/www/blog that www-data can’t read.

One way to make sure that www-data can read all your blog’s files is to make the files and directories world-readable so that any user on the system can read them, but only you can write them. In the output of ls -l the permissions of a file should be -rw-r--r--, and the permissions of a directory shoud be drwxr-xr-x.

To make sure that all files and directories that you create on the server have these permissions, set your umask to 0022. Put the line:

$ umask 0022

in your ~/.profile, ~/.bashrc, or other shell configuration file.

Note that if you create files on your local machine and then move them to the server, or if you create files on the server using an editor running locally that is capable of editing remote files, you may need to make sure that your umask on your local machine is 0022 as well.

Static files

To make static files such as image, CSS and JavaScript files available to your blog you can setup a second site on the same web server but at a different domain or subdomin to host them.

Create the Nginx config file /etc/nginx/sites-available/static with these contents:

server {
  listen 80;
  root /var/www/static;
  expires 1d;  # How long should static files be cached for.

Replace with the domain name for your static files site.

Create the directory on the server where the static files will go:

$ mkdir /var/www/static

Enable the site by creating a sites-enabled symlink for it and restarting Nginx:

$ sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/static /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
$ sudo service nginx restart

Now if you put, say, an image file at /var/www/static/image.jpeg then it’ll be available to web browsers at To use this image in one of your blog posts, you might put an img tag like this in the entry file:

<img src="" />

Note: As with your blog’s files, all files in /var/www/static need to be readable by the www-data user.

Tip: If your theme needs access to static files you can add a setting in your file like this:

py["static_url"] = ""

Then you can link to static files in your flavour templates with code like:

<link href="$(static_url)/mystyles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

This saves having to code the full URL to your static files site into your flavour templates.