Title: Python's unittest.mock Tags: Python Unit Tests at Hypothesis Alias: /post/mock/ Along with factories, parametrize and fixtures, one more thing that you'll see a lot of in Hypothesis's Python tests that you probably won't know from non-test Python code are these things called **mocks**, which we'll look at in this post. Mock ---- "Mock objects" are ["are simulated objects that mimic the behavior of real objects in controlled ways"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mock_object). Sometimes the function or method that you're trying to test requires an object from another class, but you don't want to use a real object of that other class in your test. For example you could be writing a test for the `foo()` function and it requires a `Bar` object as argument: ```python def foo(bar): ... ``` Your test will need a `Bar` object to pass `foo()`, but there can be several reasons why you wouldn't want to use a real `Bar` object in your test: * `Bar` objects might be complicated or difficult to setup, and this would complicate the tests. This goes beyond simply instantiating `Bar` objects. Different tests will require different behaviors from the `Bar` object, return values and side effects such as raising exceptions, and the object needs to be setup as needed for each test. * `Bar` objects might be slow to create or to use, perhaps because they access the filesystem, and using lots of them in the tests for `foo()` would make the tests slow. * `Bar` objects might have side effects that you don't want to happen when you run your tests, sending emails for example. * Using the real `Bar` class in tests for `foo()` can harm **test isolation** - bugs in `Bar` could cause the tests for `foo()` (and any other tests that use the real `Bar`) to fail. This can create a cascade of test failures that can make the original bug hard to find. Ideally, bugs in `Bar` would only cause `Bar`'s own tests to fail. Another problem with a lack of test isolation is that changes to `Bar` might also require changes to be made to all the tests that use `Bar` as well, if these tests contain code that instantiates and sets up `Bar` objects. * You might want to assert things about how `foo()` uses the `Bar` object - how many times it calls it, what arguments it passes to it, what it does with the return values, etc. Instead of using the real `Bar` class you can create a `MockBar` class for the tests to use: ```python def foo(bar): ... # Tests: class MockBar(object): ... def test_foo(): mock_bar = MockBar() foo(mock_bar) assert ... ``` The `MockBar` class would **simulate** the methods of the real `Bar` class - `MockBar` would have the same methods, they'd take the same arguments, and they'd return whatever values the test wants them to return to `foo()` (for example, these might just be fake methods that return hard-coded values that look like what the real `Bar` class might return). But `MockBar` objects would be easy for tests to create, fast, have no real-world side effects, and not break if the real `Bar` class has bugs. `MockBar` could also keep a record of what `foo()` does with it - what methods it calls and what arguments it passes to them. The test's `assert` statements can query this record to test things about how `foo()` uses `MockBar`. For more on mocks see [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mock_object), [Martin Fowler](https://martinfowler.com/articles/mocksArentStubs.html) and [wiki.c2.com](http://wiki.c2.com/?MockObject). Many programming languages come with a way of doing mock objects, and the [mock library](http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/) is Python's way (in Python 3.3+ [the mock library became part of the standard library](https://docs.python.org/3/library/unittest.mock.html)). The mock library is all about a single core class - `MagicMock` - that has several unusual properties. Instead of writing a lot of different mock classes like `MockBar` above, you can just use the one `MagicMock` class to easily replace objects of any class that your tests need, without having to write a lot of mock code. **Note**: The mock library actually has two very similar classes - [`Mock`](http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/mock.html) and [`MagicMock`](http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/magicmock.html). The difference is that `MagicMock` supports [Python's magic methods](http://minhhh.github.io/posts/a-guide-to-pythons-magic-methods) whereas `Mock` doesn't. This usually isn't important, but [as the mock user guide says](http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/getting-started.html#mock-patching-methods) it's sensible to use `MagicMock` by default. The Hypothesis tests tend to use `Mock` more often, though. **Note**: Some people make distinctions between different types of replacement objects used by tests, for example [Sinon.js has separate classes for fakes, spies, stubs, and mocks](http://sinonjs.org/). Python's `Mock` and `MagicMock` are capable of playing all of these roles and in this tutorial we're just going to use the one word _mock_ for everything. You'll find `Mock` and `MagicMock` used a lot in the Hypothesis tests - to create mock objects to pass in to methods under test as arguments, and in many other ways too. This post will demonstrate and explain the features of `Mock` / `MagicMock` so that you can understand what the tests are doing, and use mocks yourself. As usual we won't cover everything but will concentrate on the features commonly used in the Hypothesis tests. You can go to [the mock website](http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/) for the rest. You can access any attribute on a `MagicMock` --------------------------------------------- Normally in Python you can only access a given attribute name on an object if that object has an attribute with that name, otherwise you'll get an `AttributeError`. For example here the `foo` object has no attribute named `bar` so trying to do `foo.bar` raises `AttributeError`: ```pycon >>> class Foo(object): ... pass >>> foo = Foo() >>> foo.bar Traceback (most recent call last): ... AttributeError: 'Foo' object has no attribute 'bar' ``` `MagicMock` objects are different, you can access **any** attribute name on a mock object and it will always return **another mock object**: ```pycon >>> import mock >>> my_mock = mock.MagicMock() >>> my_mock.foo >>> my_mock.bar >>> my_mock.whatever_name_you_want ``` By default a `MagicMock` never raises `AttributeError`. This property of mock objects allows tests to pass them in to the code under test instead of the real objects that would be used in production, and have the code under test still work. For example here's a simple test for one behavior of an event queue: ```python def test_push_appends_event_to_queue(self): event_queue = EventQueue() event = mock.MagicMock() event_queue.push(event) assert list(event_queue.queue) == [event] ``` We `push()` a mock object onto `event_queue` instead of the real event object that it's expecting. Even if the `EventQueue` code accesses some attributes of the mock object it won't crash since you can read any attribute of a mock. And then we're still able to test what we wanted to test - that it appends the mock object we gave it to the queue: `assert list(event_queue.queue) == [event]`. Each attribute returns a _different_ other `MagicMock` object ------------------------------------------------------------- In the example above you can tell from the different `MagicMock` `id`s that each attribute that is accessed - `foo`, `bar` or `whatever_name_you_want` - returns a **different** mock object:
>>> my_mock = mock.MagicMock()
>>> my_mock.foo
<MagicMock name='mock.foo' id='139654612385424'>
>>> my_mock.bar
<MagicMock name='mock.bar' id='139654612362320'>
>>> my_mock.whatever_name_you_want
<MagicMock name='mock.whatever_name_you_want' id='139654612287632'>
Two `MagicMock` objects with different `id`s are considered unequal: ```pycon >>> my_mock.foo == my_mock.bar False ``` The same attribute always returns _the same_ other `MagicMock` -------------------------------------------------------------- Each different attribute of a `MagicMock` object returns a different other `MagicMock` object. On the other hand, if you access the **same** attribute of a `MagicMock` multiple times it will always return the **same** other `MagicMock` object with the same `id`:
>>> my_mock.foo
<MagicMock name='mock.foo' id='139654612385424'>
>>> my_mock.foo
<MagicMock name='mock.foo' id='139654612385424'>
Two `MagicMock` objects with the same `id` are considered equal: ```pycon >>> my_mock.foo == my_mock.foo True ``` **Note**: The same attribute name on two **different** `MagicMock`s will return two **different** other `MagicMock`s though: ```pycon >>> my_mock = mock.MagicMock() >>> my_other_mock = mock.MagicMock() >>> my_mock.foo == my_other_mock.foo False ``` Tests can make use of this property of mock objects because a given attribute of a mock will return the same other mock both when accessed by the code under test and when accessed by the test code itself, but if the code and the test access different attributes they'll get different other mock objects. For example lets look at a test for a simple presenter class. [`AnnotationSearchIndexPresenter`](https://github.com/hypothesis/h/blob/b7cd20fc8ec4fed0b1b0a6511ce22f06780a85f4/src/memex/presenters.py#L109) is a class that takes an annotation object and provides an `asdict()` method that returns a dictionary representation of that annotation suitable for storing in our Elasticsearch index. A simplified version of the class might look something like this: ```python class AnnotationSearchIndexPresenter(object): def __init__(self, annotation): self.annotation = annotation def asdict(self): """Return a search-indexable dictionary representation of self.annotation.""" return { 'target': [ { 'scope': self.annotation.target_uri_normalized, ... }, ... ], ... } ``` `AnnotationSearchIndexPresenter` translates and transforms attributes of the annotation object into a dictionary with a different format and structure - the format and structure required by Hypothesis's search index. For example `annotation.target_uri_normalized` becomes the first item in a `['target'][0]['scope']` list in the dict that `asdict()` returns (don't ask why). [A simple test for this](https://github.com/hypothesis/h/blob/b7cd20fc8ec4fed0b1b0a6511ce22f06780a85f4/tests/memex/presenters_test.py#L263) could work by passing a mock object to `AnnotationSearchIndexPresenter`: ```python def test_it_copies_target_uri_normalized_to_target_scope(self): annotation = mock.MagicMock() annotation_dict = AnnotationSearchIndexPresenter(annotation).asdict() assert annotation_dict['target'][0]['scope'] == [annotation.target_uri_normalized] ``` The test passes because the first time our mock annotation's `annotation.target_uri_normalized` attribute is accessed (by the `AnnotationSearchIndexPresenter.asdict()` code when the test calls it) it returns the **same** other mock object as the second time it's accessed (by the `assert` statement in the test itself). The `assert` statement relies on this property of mocks to pass. If `AnnotationSearchIndexPresenter` had used some other attribute of the mock annotation, say `annotation.target_uri` instead of `annotation.target_uri_normalized`, that would have returned a **different** other mock object and the `assert` would have failed. You can also set any attribute on a `MagicMock` ----------------------------------------------- If you want an attribute of a `MagicMock` to have some value other than being another `MagicMock` you can just set it as you could do with a normal Python object: ```pycon >>> my_mock.foo = 23 >>> my_mock.foo 23 ``` Tests can use this when they need the value of a mock object to be some other type of object than a mock. For example `Annotation.created` is a [`datetime` object](https://docs.python.org/2/library/datetime.html#datetime-objects) and `AnnotationSearchIndexPresenter` turns it into a string (maybe by calling [`strftime`](https://docs.python.org/2/library/datetime.html#datetime.datetime.strftime)). To test that `AnnotationSearchIndexPresenter` formats this string correctly we really want our mock `annotation.created` to be a `datetime` not another mock: ```python import datetime def test_it_formats_created_into_a_string(): annotation = mock.MagicMock() annotation.created = datetime.datetime(2016, 2, 24, 18, 3, 25, 768) annotation_dict = AnnotationSearchIndexPresenter(annotation).asdict() assert annotation_dict['created'] == '2016-02-24T18:03:25.000768+00:00' ``` Of course it's also possible for the **code under test** to set an attribute of a mock object to a value, and then a test might assert that the mock's attribute was set to the expected value: ```python def set_foo_to_bar(thing): thing.foo = 'bar' def test_it_sets_foo_to_bar(): thing = mock.MagicMock() set_foo_to_bar(thing) assert thing.foo == 'bar' ``` Code setting attributes of its dependencies is often not a great design, but this does come up sometimes. You can pass any keyword args to the `MagicMock` constructor ------------------------------------------------------------ Unlike a typical Python object, you can pass **any** keyword argument to the `MagicMock` constructor and its value will be used as the value of the attribute on the `MagicMock` instead of returning another `MagicMock`: ```pycon >>> my_mock = mock.MagicMock(foo=23, bar=True) >>> my_mock.foo 23 >>> my_mock.bar True >>> my_mock.something_else ``` For example instead of creating the mock and then setting the attribute on it, the test above could have created the mock with `created` already set: ```python annotation = mock.MagicMock(created=datetime.datetime(2016, 2, 24, 18, 3, 25, 768)) ``` Of course multipe attributes can be set at once as well: ```python annotation = mock.MagicMock( created=datetime.datetime(2016, 2, 24, 18, 3, 25, 768), target_uri_normalized='http://example.com/normalized', foo=True, bar=23, ... ) ``` `MagicMock`s are callable ------------------------- You can also **call** a `MagicMock` object as if it were a method or function, and by default it'll return another `MagicMock` object just like accessing an attribute does: ```pycon >>> my_mock = mock.MagicMock() >>> my_mock() ``` This means that your tests can use `MagicMock`s not only to replace **objects** that the code under test uses, but also to replace **functions** and **methods**. When the code under test tries to call a `MagicMock` instead of the real function or method it'll work, and it will just get another `MagicMock` back as the return value. As with accessing attributes, by default the same `MagicMock` always returns the same other `MagicMock` when called but two different `MagicMock`s return two different other `MagicMock`s: ```pycon >>> my_mock = mock.MagicMock() >>> my_mock() == my_mock() True >>> my_other_mock = mock.MagicMock() >>> my_mock() == my_other_mock() False ``` You can pass any arguments or keyword arguments when calling a mock. It always return the same other mock, regardless of what arguments it was called with: ```pycon >>> my_mock(True) >>> my_mock(1, 2, 3) >>> my_mock("foo", bar=[27, False]) ``` **Note**: A mock returns a **different** mock object when called, it doesn't return itself: ```pycon >>> my_mock() == my_mock False ``` The other mock that it returns is accessible as the special `return_value` attribute: ```pycon >>> my_mock() == my_mock.return_value True ``` One simple use of the callability of `MagicMock` is to test that a function returns the return value of another function that it depends on. In this code the `bar()` function is passed in to the `foo()` function as an argument, `foo()` does a bunch of important stuff (perhaps to calculate the arguments it'll pass to `bar()`) and then returns the result of calling `bar()`: ```python def foo(bar): ... return bar(arg1, arg2, ...) ``` Here's a simple test for that last part of `foo()`'s behavior, the `return`: ```python def test_foo_returns_what_bar_returned(): bar = mock.MagicMock() returned = foo(bar) assert returned == bar.return_value ``` **Tip**: We could have written `assert returned == bar()` and it would have worked the same. But as we'll see below, `MagicMock`s keep a record of each time they're called, so it's a good habit for the test code itself not to call its own `MagicMock`s because this can pollute the call record. Even at times when you could get away with it, it's just good to be consistent and always use the special `return_value` attribute instead. **Tip**: If you ever want a mock object that you **don't** want the code under test to be able to call there's a separate class for that - [`NonCallableMagicMock`](http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/magicmock.html?highlight=noncallablemagicmock#mock.NonCallableMagicMock). You can ask a `MagicMock` what calls have been made to it --------------------------------------------------------- For the `foo()` method above we might want to test that it calls `bar()` with the right arguments, as well as that it returns the result of calling `bar()`. We can do this using `MagicMock`'s [`assert_called_once_with()` method](http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/mock.html?highlight=assert_called_once_with#mock.Mock.assert_called_once_with): ```python def test_foo_calls_bar_correctly(): bar = mock.MagicMock() foo(bar) bar.assert_called_once_with("expected_arg_1", "expected_arg_2") ``` `assert_called_once_with()` will raise an `AssertionError`, causing the test to fail, if `foo()` does not call `bar()`, if it calls `bar()` more than once, or if it calls `bar()` with the wrong arguments. These kind of assertions about how a `MagicMock` was used are often useful in testing **integration** functions - functions whose job is to glue together other functions and methods, calling them with the right arguments and doing the right things with their return values. The mock library provides a whole collection of tools for testing how a mock was used, including: * [`called`](http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/mock.html?highlight=assert_called_once_with#mock.Mock.called) - a simple attribute that's `True` if this mock has been called (any number of times, with any arguments) and `False` otherwise: #!pycon >>> my_mock = mock.MagicMock() >>> my_mock.called False >>> my_mock() >>> my_mock.called True * [`call_count`](http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/mock.html?highlight=assert_called_once_with#mock.Mock.call_count) - a simple attribute that counts the number of times this mock has been called: #!pycon >>> my_mock = mock.MagicMock() >>> my_mock.call_count 0 >>> my_mock() >>> my_mock.call_count 1 >>> my_mock(1, 'foo') >>> my_mock.call_count 2 * [`assert_called_with()`](http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/mock.html?highlight=assert_called_once_with#mock.Mock.assert_called_with) - fails unless the most recent call to the mock matches the given arguments. * [`assert_called_once_with()`](http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/mock.html?highlight=assert_called_once_with#mock.Mock.assert_called_once_with) - fails unless the mock has been called exactly once, and with the given arguments. * [`assert_any_call()`](http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/mock.html?highlight=assert_called_once_with#mock.Mock.assert_any_call) - fails unless the mock has been called at least once with the given argument (regardless of whether or not there have been other calls as well). * And more. If you want to make more complex assertions about multiple calls to a mock and their arguments, and even what order the calls happened in, there are methods like [`assert_has_calls()`](http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/mock.html?highlight=assert_called_once_with#mock.Mock.assert_has_calls), attributes like [`call_args`](http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/mock.html?highlight=assert_called_once_with#mock.Mock.call_args) and [`call_args_list`](http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/mock.html?highlight=assert_called_once_with#mock.Mock.call_args_list), and helpers like [`call()`](http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/helpers.html#call) and [`ANY`](http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/helpers.html#any). There's even a [`reset_mock()`](http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/mock.html?highlight=reset_mock#mock.Mock.reset_mock) method to reset a mock's record of its calls mid test. See the documentation for the [`Mock` class](http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/mock.html) and the mock library's [helpers](http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/helpers.html). You can also search the Hypothesis code for examples of these in use. You can call any method on a `MagicMock` ---------------------------------------- Normally you can only call a method on an object if that object's class has that method, otherwise you'll get `AttributeError`: ```python >>> class Foo(object): ... def do_something(self): ... pass ... ... >>> foo = Foo() >>> foo.bar() Traceback (most recent call last): ... AttributeError: 'Foo' object has no attribute 'bar' ``` If you try to call a method that **does** exist, but you pass it a positional or keyword argument that the method doesn't have, you'll get a `TypeError`: ```pycon >>> foo.do_something(1) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: do_something() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given) >>> foo.do_something(some_arg=12) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: do_something() got an unexpected keyword argument 'some_arg' ``` Since any attribute name on a `MagicMock` is another `MagicMock`, and since `MagicMock`s are callable, that means that as well as accessing any attribute name on a `MagicMock` **you can also call any method on a `MagicMock`** and pass any positional or keyword arguments: ```pycon >>> my_mock = mock.MagicMock() >>> my_mock.foo() >>> my_mock.bar(16) >>> my_mock.whatever_method_name_you_want("foobar") ``` This means that if the code under test uses an object that it calls methods on, a test can pass in a `MagicMock` in place of that object and the code will still work: ```python def foo(bar): ... return bar.some_method(arg1, arg2, ...) def test_foo_returns_what_some_method_returned(): bar = mock.MagicMock() returned = foo(bar) assert returned == bar.some_method.return_value ``` Of course, each method returns another mock when called. The **same** method always returns the **same** other mock object (no matter what arguments its called with), but each **different** method returns a **different** other mock. If `foo()` had called `bar.some_other_method()` instead, it would have returned a different `MagicMock` (`some_other_method.return_value` rather than `some_method.return_value`) and the `assert` would have failed. **Note**: When you access a name on a mock object it returns a **different** other mock object to if you **call** that name: ```pycon >>> my_mock.foo() == my_mock.foo False ``` The mock that calling returns is accessible as `return_value`: ```pycon >>> my_mock.foo() == my_mock.foo.return_value True ``` And of course, if you've set a certain attribute name on a mock to a non-callable value then you can't call it anymore: ```pycon >>> my_mock.foo = 23 >>> my_mock.foo 23 >>> my_mock.foo() Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: 'int' object is not callable ``` You can tell a `MagicMock` method what value to return ------------------------------------------------------ We've seen that [the special `return_value` attribute](http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/mock.html?highlight=return_value#mock.Mock.return_value) is the value that the mock will return if called (by default, another mock). You can set `return_value` to something else and the mock will return that when called instead: ```pycon >>> my_mock() >>> my_mock.return_value = 'custom return value' >>> my_mock() 'custom return value' ``` This of course means that you can control the return value of any methods on the mock as well: ```pycon >>> my_mock.bar.return_value = 26.2 >>> my_mock.bar() 26.2 ``` You can also set the return value of a mock as a constructor argument: ```pycon >>> my_mock = mock.MagicMock(return_value='custom_value') >>> my_mock() 'custom_value' ``` ```pycon >>> my_mock = mock.MagicMock(foo=mock.MagicMock(return_value='custom_value')) >>> my_mock.foo() 'custom_value' ``` Tests can set the `return_value` of a mock when they need it be something other than another mock object. In one of our examples above we needed `annotation.created` to be a `datetime` object rather than another `MagicMock`. If `annotation.created()` were a method instead of an attribute then we might have needed it to _return_ a `datetime` instead: ```python def test_it_formats_created_into_a_string(): annotation = mock.MagicMock() annotation.created.return_value = datetime.datetime(2016, 2, 24, 18, 3, 25, 768) annotation_dict = AnnotationSearchIndexPresenter(annotation).asdict() assert annotation_dict['created'] == '2016-02-24T18:03:25.000768+00:00' ``` When `AnnotationSearchIndexPresenter` calls `annotation.created()` it will get our `datetime` object as the return value, and our `assert` depends on that. You can make a `MagicMock` method raise an exception ---------------------------------------------------- [`side_effect`](http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/mock.html?highlight=return_value#mock.Mock.side_effect) is another special attribute of mock objects. If you set `side_effect` to an exception class or exception object then the mock will raise the exception when called: ```pycon >>> my_mock.side_effect = RuntimeError('Something broke') >>> my_mock() Traceback (most recent call last): ... RuntimeError: Something broke ``` You can use this to test that a method under test handles exceptions properly when they're raised by other functions or methods that the method under test calls. As with `return_value` you can also pass `side_effect` as an argument to the `MagicMock()` constructor: `my_mock = mock.MagicMock(side_effect=...)`. A simple example of a mock raising an exception is a test for the `EventQueue` class that we saw earlier. When `EventQueue.publish_all()` is called it calls the `notify()` method of each event object on the queue. If one of those `notify()` methods raises an exception `EventQueue` should not crash, but should catch and log the exception: ```python def test_publish_all_logs_exception(self): event = mock.MagicMock() log = mock.MagicMock() queue = eventqueue.EventQueue(log) queue.push(event) # Make event.notify() raise ValueError when called. event.notify.side_effect = ValueError('exploded!') # When publish_all() calls event.notify() it'll raise the ValueError, # rather than crashing publish.all() should catch this exception and log it. queue.publish_all() assert log.exception.called ``` You can make a `MagicMock` method return a different value each time -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sometimes your test needs a mock to return a sequence of different values each time it's called. If you set `side_effect` to an iterable then each time the mock is called it'll return the next item from that iterable: ```pycon >>> my_mock.side_effect = [1, 2, 3] >>> my_mock() 1 >>> my_mock() 2 >>> my_mock() 3 >>> my_mock() Traceback (most recent call last): ... StopIteration ``` If one of the values that the iterable returns is an exception then the mock will raise an exception that time it's called: ```pycon >>> my_mock.side_effect = [1, RuntimeError, 3] >>> my_mock() 1 >>> my_mock() Traceback (most recent call last): ... RuntimeError >>> my_mock() 3 ``` You can attach a normal function to a `MagicMock` method -------------------------------------------------------- Lastly, if you set `side_effect` to a function then that function will be called when the mock is called, and the mock will return whatever that function returns. This can be useful when your test needs your mock to return a value **dynamically**, for example to return a value that depends on the value it was called with: ```python >>> def fake_encrypt(input): ... return input + "_encrypted" ... >>> my_mock = mock.MagicMock() >>> my_mock.encrypt.side_effect = fake_encrypt >>> my_mock.encrypt("hello") 'hello_encrypted' ``` Setting `side_effect` to a function also means that the mock can only be called with the same arguments and keyword arguments that the side effect function takes, otherwise you'll get a `TypeError` just as you would when calling any normal Python function with the wrong arguments. This is one way that your tests can ensure that the method under test never calls the mock with invalid arguments: ```pycon >>> my_mock.encrypt("arg1", "arg2") Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: fake_encrypt() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given) ``` Conclusion ---------- This concludes our tour of the `MagicMock` class and its features. The class has a lot of features, and this has been a long post, but this should give you an understanding of most of what's going on when mocks are in use in the Hypothesis tests. For the rest of the details, go to [the mock website](http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/). Know that you know how to use mocks, the next post will explain some of the [dangers of using mocks](/2017/03/17/the-problem-with-mocks/).