Title: About Title_: I blog, you blog, weblog. Hi 👋, I'm Sean. Web developer and future Portuguese Water Dog owner, currently working for [Hypothesis](https://hypothes.is/) and living in Berlin, Edinburgh, Leith. This is my site where I post text on the Internet. It's mostly notes about computer things. I find writing these helpful for my learning process and future reference. Sometimes other people even read them! Think of it as a sort of public notebook. You can also find me on [GitHub](https://github.com/seanh/), [GitHub Gist](https://gist.github.com/seanh/public), [Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/users/1175266), and [Pinboard](https://pinboard.in/u:seanh). If you want to get in touch you can [send me an email](mailto:hello@seanh.cc).