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MUSICIANS who have performed in an under-threat city venue have joined forces to produce a fundraising album in a bid to save it from closure…

The Three piece Suite have used the theatrical “Green Room”, as a point of reference, drawing comparison between the activity of rehearsal for actors and the navigation of events in…

Reprieve for grass-roots arts space after huge movements online and offline; Volunteers ‘deeply touched and utterly thrilled’ by support.

Everything must go!


Art Sale at Forest Café, Bristo Place, 11th – 12th December

A5 artworks in any medium: postcards, canvas, photos, screen prints…get creative!

 We’ re looking for artists interested in creating and donating A5 works for an art sale  as part of the ‘Save the Forest’ campaign . Email for details.


Deadline for submissions: Wed 8th December.


Artwork can be dropped into the Forest Café: please mark ‘Everything Must Go!’ and let the volunteers know what it is. Or post to Forest Café, 3  Bristo Place, Edinburgh, EH1 1EY. And sign them. We want to know who you  are…


GET A TABLE! There are also opportunities to run a table as part of an Arts & Crafts sale on Saturday 11th December. Contact, marking your email ‘FAO Stephen’



There will be a high profile auction of contemporary artworks early 2011. Contact for further information.

The Forest is… a  registered charity, an arts and community project space, an art  gallery, a café, a performance space, recording studio, rehearsal room,  darkroom, screen printing studio and publishing venue. Powered by the  enthusiasm and dedication of hardworking, generous and committed  volunteers, it’s been a vivid, vibrant part of Edinburgh’s creative  scene for over a decade. It continually offers grassroots support for  the arts and creative projects, as well as a place for people to meet,  talk, listen, watch, share ideas, make stuff, argue. And eat great  burritos.

It is essential that places like the Forest exist in our cities. 

EUS (Edinburgh  University Settlement), the previous landlord of the current Forest  venue was recently declared bankrupt. This led to the immediate and  devastating closure of the Roxy Art House. The Forest doesn’t want to go  the same way. An awesome fundraising campaign has begun to buy the  current building for the Forest, and to continue to run it as an  autonomous art space. Supporters of the Forest across the city, the UK  and internationally, are mobilising to organise events and ensure that  the Forest continues.

For further information and an opportunity to donate to the Forest Fund:

Everything must go!


Art Sale at Forest Café, Bristo Place, 11th – 12th December

A5 artworks in any medium: postcards, canvas, photos, screen prints…get creative!

 We’ re looking for artists interested in creating and donating A5 works for an art sale  as part of the ‘Save the Forest’ campaign . Email for details.


Deadline for submissions: Wed 8th December.


Artwork can be dropped into the Forest Café: please mark ‘Everything Must Go!’ and let the volunteers know what it is. Or post to Forest Café, 3 Bristo Place, Edinburgh, EH1 1EY. And sign them. We want to know who you are…


GET A TABLE! There are also opportunities to run a table as part of an Arts & Crafts sale on Saturday 11th December. Contact, marking your email ‘FAO Stephen’



There will be a high profile auction of contemporary artworks early 2011. Contact for further information.

The Forest is… a registered charity, an arts and community project space, an art gallery, a café, a performance space, recording studio, rehearsal room, darkroom, screen printing studio and publishing venue. Powered by the enthusiasm and dedication of hardworking, generous and committed volunteers, it’s been a vivid, vibrant part of Edinburgh’s creative scene for over a decade. It continually offers grassroots support for the arts and creative projects, as well as a place for people to meet, talk, listen, watch, share ideas, make stuff, argue. And eat great burritos.

It is essential that places like the Forest exist in our cities.

EUS (Edinburgh University Settlement), the previous landlord of the current Forest venue was recently declared bankrupt. This led to the immediate and devastating closure of the Roxy Art House. The Forest doesn’t want to go the same way. An awesome fundraising campaign has begun to buy the current building for the Forest, and to continue to run it as an autonomous art space. Supporters of the Forest across the city, the UK and internationally, are mobilising to organise events and ensure that the Forest continues.

For further information and an opportunity to donate to the Forest Fund:

A group of promoters and musicians from across disparate areas of the Edinburgh music scene and beyond will converge this Friday (3 Dec) for a charity gig at Pilrig Church in Leith…

Inky Fingers has well and truly arrived in Edinburgh: we’re really  happy that a writing community already seems to be forming around our  wee events. And we’re not just about providing a space to perform: we  also care about developing Edinburgh writers. So our second main series  of events is the READeasy Writers’ Group,  set up to be a safe and encouraging space for writers to meet up, hear  their word read, and get constructive critical feedback. The second open  session is at the Forest, Bristo Place, 6 – 9pm, Tuesday 7th of December.
It’s open to writers of any style, experience, identity and genre —   but  places each month are limited. To secure a slot, e-mail inkyfingersedinburgh AT gmail DOT com in advance with your name and a piece of your writing attached — and    then just come along on the night with cake and a ready mind. See the Writers’ Group page for full instructions (including length limits).

Inky Fingers has well and truly arrived in Edinburgh: we’re really happy that a writing community already seems to be forming around our wee events. And we’re not just about providing a space to perform: we also care about developing Edinburgh writers. So our second main series of events is the READeasy Writers’ Group, set up to be a safe and encouraging space for writers to meet up, hear their word read, and get constructive critical feedback. The second open session is at the Forest, Bristo Place, 6 – 9pm, Tuesday 7th of December.

It’s open to writers of any style, experience, identity and genre — but places each month are limited. To secure a slot, e-mail inkyfingersedinburgh AT gmail DOT com in advance with your name and a piece of your writing attached — and then just come along on the night with cake and a ready mind. See the Writers’ Group page for full instructions (including length limits).

The Forest Cafe in Edinburgh, home to Forest Fringe during August’s festivals, has won the first skirmish in its battle to remain at Bristo Place after a planning application to convert the building into flats was withdrawn…

Blogger and musician Garry Lee is one of many artists to have performed at the Forest Cafe during the Edinburgh festival - here he adds his voice to a series of guest blog posts campaigning for the venue to be saved from closure…

Garry Lee performing at the Forest Cafe | pic: Phil Hutchinson

As some of you may or may not be aware The Forest Cafe is facing closure.

Safe havens such as this for the creative community are few and far between. Many consider this a massive loss to the city. Forest Cafe has been a space for local skaters to kick back and hide from the rain, an exhibition space for Edinburgh’s extroverted artistes and a live music venue for buskers who are hoping to “pull a Jefferson” and move on up to a deluxe stage inside.

This neat little building offers a place to crack open a bottle of wine (or can of Strongbow) for small corkage fee. You can also get a bite to eat, brought to you by volunteers and served on donated crockery…

Forest Cafe, Bistro Place, Edinburgh

A shining free beacon in the middle of an inevitably money sucking Edinburgh Fringe Festival, The Forest Café is an independent social and arts centre currently located on Bristo Place. Achingly cool and run by volunteers as a charitable self-sustaining not-for-profit organisation, it has presented a refreshingly free alternative to both its artists and audience members…