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Posts Tagged ‘press’

Good words for the Fundraiser this Friday at Pilrig Church in Leith!

The picture is a bonus!

An appeal, then. The Roxy and the Forest are places where – rather like the Arches in Glasgow – the successful artists, theatre-makers and musicians of the future can experiment, meet kindred spirits, and find their voices. If investment in culture defines the successful modern city then these venues, now fighting for survival, are vital places to invest in. The Roxy is currently seeking a new owner, while the Forest team, in typical DIY fashion, are trying to raise £500,000 to buy the building (visit Both deserve our support, and Creative Scotland’s too.

Whether you’re a patron of the place or not, the news that Edinburgh’s Forest Cafe might be on the ropes is surely cause for concern…

Forest Records Presents album cover

In the first in a series of guest blogs highlighting the campaign to save Forest Cafe, Abbeyhill-based artist Ericka Duffy touches on the five years she has spent working with the Edinburgh University Settlement, Roxy Arthouse, Stepping Stones and Forest to say why she can’t imagine this city without it…

Photograph of Ericka Duffy

The collapse of the Edinburgh University Settlement charity has forced the closure of the Roxy Art House and put the Forest Café in jeopardy. Locals must fight for The Forest to stay open, argues long-term venue organiser Ryan Van Winkle…

Photograph of a Forest event from The List

Edinburgh’s arts community is working together to try to bounce back from the bankruptcy of Forest Cafe and Roxy Art House landlord EUS…

This wonderful venue/cafe/arts space, volunteer run, a ton of free events ranging from chipcore festivals to fashion shows to film nights to workshops to chess tournaments and all kinds of other parties - something for everyone really, with a completely open door policy to promoters and artists of all ages and shapes - is in danger, since the landlords went into administration and are selling the place. The crew at the forest are trying to raise the money to buy the place themselves and allow it to continue…

Can campaigning bloggers save the home of Forest Fringe, which is under threat? Or venues elsewhere?

Grand finale? ... Little Bulb perform Sporadical, an 'epic folk opera', at the cafe's 2009 Forest Fringe. Photograph: Murdo Macleod

A MASSIVE fundraising drive has been launched by volunteers and staff at a city arts venue to save it from closure…

Photo by Tim Macfarlane

Experimentation ... Little Bulb at the Forest Fringe in Edinburgh last year. Photograph: Murdo Macleod

The Crocodilopolis show features as “The Big Picture” in the latest issue of The List.