June 2011
22 posts
3 tags
The Forest collective has pledged to use the sale of its current premises as a means to transform the organisation. In late May, the “For Sale” sign over the entrance to the building in Bristo Place was removed and the Forest was told that a buyer was found for the building. The sale is not yet complete, sources say the missives should be finalised soon. Despite this, the Forest is...
Jun 9th
1 note
1 tag
Jun 8th
Jun 8th
1 tag
Jun 8th
2 tags
Jun 7th
1 note
1 tag
Jun 6th
2 notes
1 tag
Jun 3rd
1 tag
Jun 1st
Jun 1st
May 2011
31 posts
1 tag
May 31st
1 tag
May 30th
1 tag
May 30th
Black Matter: Rosie Lesso at TotalKunst 1st-26th... →
May 29th
1 tag
May 29th
May 27th
1 note
1 tag
May 25th
2 notes
1 tag
May 24th
May 21st
1 note
May 20th
May 19th
3 notes