April 2011
22 posts
2 tags
STV: Axo Gallery owner joins fight to Save the... →
Our Save The Forest Art Auction is on Saturday 14th May at the AXO Gallery, Leith. In this STV article Sarah Wilson, owner of the Axo and Axolotl Galleries, explains why she supports the Save The Forest campaign…
Apr 19th
1 note
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Apr 17th
2 tags
Apr 17th
6 notes
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Apr 15th
1 tag
Apr 14th
1 tag
Apr 12th
Forest Planning Meeting Tuesday 19th April
Public meeting for anyone who wants to get involved and do stuff at the forest! Tuesday 19th at 6:30 in the hall Come, create, help, enjoy! Agenda so far: Front Of House - doing art around the building: murals, lampshades, etc. Voluntary Arts Week organised by Voluntary Arts Scotland, potential for us to get involved The Meadows Festival is 4th and 5th June, looks like we will be...
Apr 12th
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Apr 12th
2 tags
Apr 11th
Big Ups! April Showers (of awesome) →
Apr 7th
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Local and international artists are donating their work to a charity art auction in support of Save the Forest Campaign. The event is at the AXO Gallery in Leith on Saturday 14 May at 6-10pm. AXO owner Sarah Wilson said, “By bidding in this auction, not only are people buying art but are also supporting the arts in the community. Buy art to save art.” The Forest Café, one of the...
Apr 5th
1 tag
READeasy Writers' Group Open Session
Thursday 7th April, 6–9pm . Free! A safe and encouraging space for writers to meet up, hear their words read, and get constructive critical feedback… We’ve set up the READeasy Writers’ Group to be a safe and encouraging space for writers to meet up, hear their words read, and get constructive critical feedback. The third open session is at the Forest, 3 Bristo Place, 6 –...
Apr 5th
Artists for 2011 →
Apr 4th
1 tag
Guardian Edinburgh: why you should help save the... →
Guardian guest blogger Will Golding argues that the range of free services and events offered by Edinburgh’s Forest Cafe make it too valuable to lose…
Apr 1st
March 2011
40 posts
Some thoughts on the Arts Council’s national... →
Mar 31st
April 20, 2011 – 8pm – The Golden Hour →
Mar 31st
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Mar 30th
1 tag
Want to Volunteer? Tentracks & Festivals
We had another cracking fundraising get-together yesterday, with a bunch of enthusiastic new people lending their energy and ideas to the campaign. It’s always exciting to meet new folk: there are dozens of people working on this campaign on all sorts of different levels. Minutes of that meeting are available on request, with important messages below: an opportunity to help out with our...
Mar 30th
2 tags
Mar 30th
1 note
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Mar 29th