May 2011
31 posts
The Scotsman: Latest push takes Forest Cafe... →
MORE than £1,000 has been raised to help save the Forest Cafe through the series of Roofraiser benefit concerts.
May 10th
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May 9th
2 notes
2 tags
The Roofraiser benefit concerts produced by The Forest Cafe and Ten Tracks for the Save the Forest Campaign have been a resounding success, and have inspired a second series of benefit concerts, Roofraiser II, that will be held in Edinburgh throughout May. Over £1,000 has been raised already, and over 800 people have attended the live music events held in April, with the help of 60 artists,...
May 8th
May 18, 2011 – 8pm – The Golden Hour →
May 7th
1 tag
May 6th
1 note
3 tags
May 5th
2 notes
Muso's Guide - The Bottom Rung Big Beat Festival →
Kenny McMurtrie lingers on the bottom rung but eventually climbs the ladder…
May 4th
2nd-29th May: Jade Gilbert →
May 3rd
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May 2nd
2 notes
3 tags
May 1st
4 notes
1 tag
May 1st
April 2011
22 posts
Apr 30th
1 tag
E. Amato blogs Save the Forest! →
A lovely blog from our friend E. Amato at The Zesty Life, talking about why she cares about saving Forest.
Apr 28th
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Apr 27th
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Apr 24th
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Apr 24th
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Apr 23rd
1 note
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The Guardian: Forest supporters urged to 'buy art... →
Local and international artists are donating their work to a charity art auction in support of Save the Forest Campaign…
Apr 20th
Minutes of Forest Planning Meeting 19th April →
Apr 20th
2 tags
STV: Axo Gallery owner joins fight to Save the... →
Our Save The Forest Art Auction is on Saturday 14th May at the AXO Gallery, Leith. In this STV article Sarah Wilson, owner of the Axo and Axolotl Galleries, explains why she supports the Save The Forest campaign…
Apr 19th
1 note